Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Homework Assignments in Fall 2012

Thurs., Oct. 11
In class:  Work our way through Chapter 2.  Begin Chapter 3.

P.M.  Carefully read Chapters 3 and 4.  Any reader's quiz on Friday would allow you to use Notes you have taken while reading.  Use the Internet and/or a dictionary to look up any unfamiliar words or expressions you find.

Friday, Oct. 12
In class:  Discussion (and quiz?) on Chapters 3 and 4.

Weekend:  Read Chapters 5, 6, and 7.

Mon., Oct. 15
In class:  Discuss Chapters 5, 6, and 7.

P.M.  Read Chapter 8.  Come prepared tomorrow morning.

Tues., Oct. 16
In class:  We'll do some kind of process for Chapter 8 -- questions, a quiz... something.  Be ready.

Long Weekend:  Read Chapters 9 and 10.  It's fair and OK to read something like Spark-Notes -- not as a substitute, but as a handy assistant.  Sparknotes can help as you read the text itself.  Don't be ashamed or afraid to check the Sparknotes -- before or after reading.  It's a good way to check for understanding. Furthermore, it's out there!@! Let's not pretend that it doesn't exist -- instead, let's use it to our advantage.

Monday, Oct. 22
In class:  Discuss Ch. 9-10.

P.M.  Review Ch. 9-10 and read Ch. 11.

Friday, Oct. 26
In class:  Brief discussion of Ch..12.  THEN SCRABBLE.

Weekend Reading:  GE, Chapters 13, 14, and 15.

Monday, Oct. 29
In class:  Likely quiz on Ch. 13-14-15.  With any luck, you'll get your papers back.

P.M.  Continue to be responsible for Chapters 13, 14, and 15.  As soon as I get your papers done, there will be a Dickens quiz.

Tues., Oct. 30
In class:  Discuss Ch. 13-14-15.

P.M.  Continue to review Ch. 13-14-15.

Wed., Oct. 31
In class:  Discuss Ch. 13-14-15

P.M.  Read Chapter 16

Thurs., Nov. 1
In class:  Discuss Ch. 16.

P.M.  Read Ch. 17!!!

Fri., Nov. 2
In class:  Discuss Ch. 17.

Weekend:  Read Ch. 18

Mon., Nov. 5
In class:  FINALLY YOU GET YOUR PAPERS BACK.  Discuss Ch. 18 of GE.

P.M.  Now I can be tougher about Quizzes again.  Please be ready for class in Chapter 19 on Tuesday. If you have notes on Ch. 19, I'll be happy to let you use them.

Tues., Nov. 6
In class:  Possible Quiz on Ch. 19.  Begin our review of the FIRST THIRD of Great Expectations:  Chapters 1-19.  Test this Thursday.


Wed., Nov. 7
In class:  Review for the Test.  See some or all of David Lean's film (through Pip's good fortune).

P.M.  CAREFULLY STUDY FOR THURSDAY'S TEST.  To see the Study Guide for tomorrow's test, Jump to ClassJump with the link you're about to see.  (When you arrive, scroll down to the VERY BOTTOM of the "Class Downloads" for Honors English 9.)  Link to ClassJump.

Thurs., Nov. 8
In class:  Test on the first 1/3 of Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens.


Fri., Nov. 9
In class:  TBA.