Sunday, May 12, 2013

Guthrie Tickets and Chaperones for Sunday, May 19

Student tickets for An Iliad are $20.00 apiece for the evening show on May 19.  Please bring your $20.00 to school by Wednesday, May 15.  Cash is fine, and so are checks (make checks payable to WHS).

For each parent chaperone who drives to the Guthrie, this admission is complementary.  The comp ticket is to thank you for supporting the trip, and to reimburse you (artistically!) for your gas mileage.

All our 1st Period students except five (5) have indicated that they plan to take the trip.  Mr. Bratnober will attend, needless to say, and one additional chaperone/driver has now signed up. (Thank you, Mrs. D.!!)

This means there are still six additional slots for parents or guardians to join our group.  Please contact Mr. Bratnober right away (651-262-4119) if you are interested in becoming a chaperone/driver.  It would .be great if we could add a minimum of three or four more committed chaperones.

Please call Mr. Bratnober with any lingering questions you may have about our Guthrie excursion. .

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