Thursday, May 9, 2013

New Date for An Iliad: Sunday, May 19, at 6:00 p.m.

Owing to a schedule conflict at school, our Honors English 9 class will now see An Iliad on Sunday evening, May 19, 2013.  This is a great development for our class, for we will now experience Homer's epic the way great theater was first intended:  at sunset, when memories and dreams combine.

Please establish your plans soon, including - for some - a chance to join our wonderful class as we hit the road and see Stephen Yoakam perform tales of Troy, Achilles, Agamemnon, and Odysseus at America's first and finest regional theater company:  The Tyrone Guthrie Theater, in Minneapolis, MN.

Here are copies of two reviews that appeared in Twin Cities papers on Thursday, May 9.  These are not garden-variety reviews:  they are raves!

St. Paul Pioneer Press review of An Iliad

Minneapolis StarTribune review -- a Two-Thumbs-Up RAVE REVIEW, by Graydon Royce

These are once-in-a-lifetime reviews -- the kind that actors only dream about.  Please see, especially,  Graydon Royce's admiring piece on An Iliad.

We'll go to the Guthrie on Sunday evening, May 19, gathering in the WHS Parking Lot at 6:00 p.m., and returning between 9:30 and 9:45 p.m.

PLEASE MAKE YOUR PLANS NOW TO ATTEND THIS RARE PRODUCTION.  If you are interested in chaperoning, please call Mr. Bratnober immediately at 651-262-4119.   The first to call will have a chance to join us at this extraordinary piece of live theatre.

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