Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Non-Fiction Presentation Project

Non-Fiction – Reading and Media Journalism

In your group (of 6, maximum),

Have everyone read some articles (3-4 apiece) that pertain to your subject area.  Have kids bring the articles in – either online or in print.  Discuss these articles and come up with about four (4) that you think are representative:

         Two contrasting print articles (i.e., written pieces)

         One non-print piece (i.e., TV news; radio; online media,
         such as YouTube)

         At least one opinion piece (any - print or non-print): 

Prepare and rehearse a 10-minute presentation in which you explain the two print articles.  Show your non-print piece as a contrast to your print pieces, and talk about how media journalism works (the same? Differently?) in relation to print journalism.  Finally, share your opinion piece, and talk about the role of Op-Ed writing in your chosen subject area (sports, technology, travel, et al.).  For example, how does opinion about the golfing world affect factual reporting and/or factual events in golf?

The Areas:
                  THE ARTS  (“Team Kamila”)
                  SCIENCE  (“Team Caleb”)
                  MINNESOTA ISSUES (“Team Valeria”)
                  US/WORLD ISSUES  (“Team Grace”)
                  TRAVEL  (“Team Annika”)
                  TECHNOLOGY (“Team Emily/Kailey/Maiya/M/J”)
                  THE STOCK MARKET  (“Team Tanner”)

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